Handouts & Posters

  • Walker, Rachel. (2019). Locality and iterativity in Jingulu vowel harmony. Paper presented at the Iterativity in Grammar Workshop, Leipzig University, December 2, 2019. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2019). Gradient feature activity in Korean place assimilation. Paper presented at NELS 50, MIT, October 25, 2019. [pdf] (with post-conference corrections)
  • Yang, Yifan, Rachel Walker & Alessandro Vietti. (2019). Variation of sibilants in three Ladin dialects. Poster presented at their Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference (PaPE 2019), Lecce, Italy, June 18, 2019. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2019). Gradient feature activation and the special status of coronals. Paper presented at the Princeton Phonology Forum, April 5, 2019. [pdf] (with post-conference corrections)
  • Walker, Rachel & Yifan Yang. (2019). Combinative markedness in three-consonant clusters. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Old World Conference in Phonology, University of Verona, January 16, 2019. [pdf], [references]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2017). Temporal structure in phonology.  Handout of paper presented at MIT, February 24, 2024. [pdf], [references]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2017). Sub-segmental representation, Part I and Part II. Mini-course at MIT, February 22-23, 2017. Part I [pdf],  Part II [pdf ], [references] (For Part III, see colloquium handout above.)
  • Walker, Rachel & Sharon (2015). Guttural semi-transparency. Handout of paper presented at the Annual Meeting in Phonology, October 10, 2015. [pdf]
  • (2014). Overlapping harmonies in Pasiego: Implications for Agreement by Correspondence. Handout of paper presented at UCLA, October 17, 2014. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2014). Prominence control and multiple triggers in vowel harmony: An ABC analysis. Handout of paper presented at the ABC-C conference, University of California, Berkeley, May 19, 2014. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2013). Consonant harmony and vowel harmony: Comparisons in typology and sources for nonlocality. Handout of paper presented at the 21st Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Manchester, May 24 18, 2013. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2010). Nonlocal target scope in Baiyinna Orochen. Handout of paper presented at WAFL VII, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, October 29, 2010. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2010). Vowel fission in Jaqaru. Handout of paper presented at the annual meeting of the LSA, Baltimore, MD, January 9, 2010. [pdf], Extended abstract: [pdf].
  • Walker, Rachel. (2009). (Non-)adjacency in harmony systems. Handout of paper presented at the 45th meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, April 18, 2009. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2009). Similarity-sensitive blocking and transparency in Menominee. Handout of paper presented at the annual meeting of the LSA, San Francisco, CA, January 9, 2009. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2008). Gradualness and fell-swoop derivations. Handout of paper presented at the UCSC Graduate Alumni Conference, University of California, Santa Cruz, September 13, 2008. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel, Dani Byrd, Fidèle Mpiranya, Sungbok Lee & Celeste DeFreitas.(2006). The articulation of consonants in Kinyarwanda’s sibilant harmony. Handout of poster presented at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2, 2006. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2006). Long distance metaphony: A Generalized Licensing proposal. Handout of paper presented at PhonologyFest Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 23, 2006. [pdf]
  • Toby Mintz & Rachel Walker. (2006). Infant’s sensitivity to vowel harmony and its role in word segmentation. Handout of paper presented at the annual meeting of the LSA, Albuquerque, NM, January 7, 2006. [pdf]
  • Fidèle Mpiranya & Rachel Walker. (2005). Sibilant harmony in Kinyarwanda and coronal opacity. Handout of paper presented at GLOW 28, University of Geneva, March 31, 2005. [pdf]
  • Walker, Rachel. (2003). Directionality and prosodic asymmetries in Servigliano Italian vowel copy. Handout of paper presented at the USC Phonology Workshop, Where are We Going? Phonology at the Edge. University of Southern California, November 14, 2003. [pdf]